
Monday, June 4, 2007

This is me folks....

Well I'm theeeeee average guy u know.... Not that I'm special o unique..#!$@#!..For that fact well who the hell in this world's alike!!!!!

I had a realy normal childhood.. Nothing out of the blue.... Other than the fact that I had dengue and I was down at the ICU for 1month....Yeah I was there.. And u know what the docs have said abt me??I've gotta fifty fiffty chance of been saved...Well mother nature must have had a bet with some one u now whether i'm gonna liv o not. Some how I survived the ordeal to tell the story. Mind u I had 2 go through some real big surgeries on ma way 2 recovery.

Well thats basicaly the most important thing that hpnd 2 me in ma child hood..

There are few ppl that are important in ma life other than ma parents that I think I should mention...
That's ma Grandma...And ma best friend KUSAL....
I've got 2 mention him....
Mind u he's been there with me in almost
every important thing's in ma life....
Our history runs bac to the days
of ma 1st B'day. He was there. Well v've had our ups and downs in our friendship lik any other relationship. But v've managed 2 battle our way through the odds..

Highlights of our friendship

* Was with me in ma 1st B'day.
*Skuld together from year3 -year 11(the best days of our lives).
*Got caught in the skul 4 a variety of mischievous acts.
*Had the first sip of alcohol together wen v were 7 o 8 yrs....

*Got Lost twice in the jungle. V were lost the 1st time in a jungle wen v were trekking in a jungle in Aththanagalla. Got a real lesson from our parents that time....Last time v got lost was wen v were trekking in a jungle near worlds end. V were high up in the mountains with the clouds when v suddenly got the realization that v were behind schedule.
*Went aftr chiks together and once actually got into a fight bcoz of one...
*Shared a lot important ppl inour life.
Thats him Kusal....

If U cld juz take ma best friend outta ma life then ma childhood wld juz hav an empty black hole...


Well I've finished ma A/l's....
I'm doing a degree course @ the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.
Thats a real cool plc..I'll have to post a seperate post about sliit...
I'm also following Cima as a side line....I realy hate it mind u. I'm not that good @ commerce subjects.
But I've got a real craze for animation and programming. Thats sorta ma life u know..I realy love to spook arnd ma computer....

I'm hardly an outdoor person. but I can't live inside for too long either. I some how get the hell put of the house and go around the town.....

I'm a real free person. I hate to b tied down on ma feelings. I'm also a ppl observer. That's sumtn that I really njoy a lot, 2 observe ppl.....
I'm also huge fan of music. alot of hip hop and alternative plus rap....

Some how I manage to get a lighter perspective of life in every tight corner. One thing that I gav up on ma life is ma country.. I mean v've cum to that edge where evry thing in our country is so corrupt that I tend to hate it so much...

My view about our country is that sumday v'lll get soo dependent on international aid that v'll b debt stricken to a point where v'll hav to sell our country.... ya ppl that days very near.....

Thats basically me... a real ordinary guy
Soo peace to u all....

It's Skywalker over and out 4 now

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